English Language and Literature
Welcome to the webpage of Kranji Secondary School English Language and Literature Department. As a department, we aim to equip Kranjians with skills and knowledge to be confident in the use of English Language for effective communication, as well as to develop in Kranjians an appreciation and a passion for the English Language and Literature.

Here are the videos that you will get to watch in this webpage:
Overview of EL & Lit Department – EL Syllabus 2020, Key Department Programmes, Key Pedagogies
Speaking Task for Secondary 1
Kranji Voices
The following is a summary of our key programmes that you may want to read about:
1. English Reading Programme
Reading extensively is an integral part of language learning. The objectives of the school’s English Reading Programme are:
To develop good reading habits in students
To help students sharpen their language skills and broaden their general knowledge
To enable students to widen their range of vocabulary
To enhance students’ ability to generate and develop ideas for expository writing and spoken interaction
The department subscribes to a range of magazine titles for students. The titles are selected based on their suitability for each level/stream, considering the profiles and language competencies of students. Reading time is set aside in the morning for students to do silent reading together as a school. Apart from the assigned magazines, students are also encouraged to read their own reading material on selected days during the morning reading time.
Discussion of selected magazine articles is conducted during English lessons.
Thinking Routines are adopted as a key pedagogy to facilitate class discussion
of topics/issues featured in the magazine article. Thereafter, students
write an individual reading reflection piece on the magazine article, based
on guiding questions aligned to the Thinking Routine(s) employed during
the class discussion.
In our continued efforts to foster a strong reading culture in the school, a series of fun and enriching reading-related activities and competitions are organised for students to take part in. In addition, students are invited to vote for books they would like to see in the school library and also actively participate in the National Reading Movement.

2. Speech and Drama Enrichment Programme
The Speech and Drama Enrichment Programme is offered to all Secondary 1 students and serves to achieve the following objectives:
To teach students the fundamentals of drama, such as basic acting and stage terminology, improvisation and movement, verbal and non-verbal elements of acting etc.
To enhance students’ competency in speech and articulation, enunciation and pronunciation
To inculcate in students 21st century competencies through working in teams
The programme is designed with the following student outcomes in mind:
Students are able to explain and apply their knowledge of basic speech and drama skills
Students are able to employ techniques culminating in a short assessment item done at the end of the programme
Students develop values of respect, resilience, teamwork and discipline during the enrichment programme
Here are a few photos showing our students in action during the Speech and Drama Enrichment Programme.

3. Kranji Voices
Kranji Voices is a platform for Kranjians to share their personal experiences or views on any matter and have their voices heard by fellow Kranjians. Kranji Voices takes place on Friday mornings every fortnightly, and it involves a 5-to-10-minute sharing by students, which could be in the form of storytelling, speech or oral presentation, individually or in groups. The programme serves to raise awareness of personal experiences of Kranjians so as to highlight and reinforce the Kranjian Identity. The key objectives of Kranji Voices are:
To reach out to students through the spoken language by highlighting common experiences and/or sharing of reflections, views and thoughts
To inspire students and/or to create a positive impact on students, thereby changing their mindset as well as behaviour positively
To develop students’ confidence in public speaking
Here are a few video clips of Kranjians giving presentations to the school as part of Kranji Voices. Enjoy!
We hope that the above materials will give you a good understanding of our curriculum and programmes! Should you have any questions, please feel free to drop us an email!