House System

Since the start of the school in 1995, the Kranji House system was created to foster team spirit, a sense of loyalty and belonging in students and teachers in the house and to the school at large. This is done via friendly competition and numerous House-related activities. Students and teachers contribute points to their own Houses. At the end of the year, the House with the most number of points will be crowned the Overall Champion House!

The six Houses of Kranji Secondary School. The first letter of each House spells the name K.R.A.N.J.I !
With the implementation of Full Subject Based-Banding (FSBB) in 2022, the school leveraged on the existing House system to class the Secondary 1 into their classes. Hence from 2022 onwards, all new Sec 1 students will be allocated to their House which would also be their class. For example in Class 1K, all the students in that class will be in Kestrel House and would don their signature yellow t-shirt; Class 1R will all be in Rhino House and would don their bright red t-shirt!

Sec 1s of 2022 in their new House t-shirts.

The 6 Houses are based on the letters of the school name: K R A N J I. Each House is represented by an animal mascot and its House colour.

Let’s find out more about the six different Houses!
As we rise above the rest, we leave a trail. A trail that you tail. Follow our trail, don’t be frail. Follow our trail, rest assured, you won’t fail.

Our rings, you will hear.
Hearts race as we chant our cheers.
Our message is clear.
Klee-Klee-Klee we ring.
A good fight to the table,
We, for sure, will bring.
Mini mighty spunk
Borrowed from Falcons, you’d think.
Our spirit’s distinct.
Brace yourself, you’ll hear.
Come join us, the flight is near.
Kestrel, We don’t fear
Rhinoceros are powerful creatures. They can weigh up to 8000 pounds, but can still run up to 40 miles per hour despite their immense weight. Though it is a peaceful animal, it has a reputation for being dangerous when threatened. A charging rhino embodies power and might.

Just like the Rhinoceros which has thick, layered skin to protect themselves from external harm, our Rhinos are resilient and are able to persevere through challenges. This can be either through sportsmanship on the annual Sports Day, Sports Fiesta and Inter-House Games, or through intellect and wits during Humanities Amazing Race and other non-sports events. We are also proud to announce that the Rhino House won the Overall House Champion in 2015!
Who are we? We are the Rhinos! Join our RhinOhana and together, we will Charge to Glory!
Made famous in a poem, the albatross shall live up to its reputation as the troublesome burden – to others! With its tremendous wingspan, sometimes exceeding 3.7 metres, the massive albatross will easily impress by sheer size and unsurpassed gliding power. Known also for its stamina and endurance in long distance travelling, the albatross is ever ready to go “BEYOND THE LIMITS”

An Albatross aloft is a spectacular sight! Made famous in a poem, the Albatross lives up to its reputation as the troublesome burden – to outsiders! With its formidable wingspans, sometimes exceeding 3.7 metres, the impressive Albatross will easily ride the ocean winds and sometimes glide for hours without rest or even a flap of its wings. This is how we are as the Albatross House. We are truly resilient and we don’t give up when the going gets tough. We continue to fight on no matter what the outcome is.
Young Albatrosses may fly within three to ten months after they are hatched, this shows that Albatross House members are fast-learners and we adapt very quickly depending on the situation. We learn from mistakes and pick up new skills and knowledge along the way so that we can anticipate and overcome future challenges.
The Albatross impresses not just by sheer size but by its unsurpassed gliding power. We are known for our stamina and endurance in long distance travelling. We soar high to catch and ride the wind. The Albatross is ever ready to go beyond the limits.
Smaller than the hawk but no less majestic and daring with its characteristic wide wingspread, the nighthawk is more enduring in energy and stamina and stays in flight longer at greater heights. The motto "WITH WINGS WE FLY, WITH GUTS WE TRY" has thus been inspired by the courage and perseverance of this creature.

Like the nighthawk, Kranjians who belong to the Nighthawk house are always encouraged to go beyond their limits and not be afraid of failures. No matter the outcome, Nighthawk members are always willing to try and participate in various house-based activities. Achieving victory is never a primary goal; learning from failures and enjoying the process are always emphasised instead!
In Nighthawk, bonding and camaraderie are emphasised as well. Games and initiation ceremonies are planned during the Secondary One Orientation to welcome them into the Nighthawk family. Besides the various planned house events and activities, bonding games are regularly held during house meetings to encourage interaction across classes and levels among house members.
Nighthawk members thus go through their journey in the house together as one family, with an open mind and a ‘never-say-die’ attitude!
The jaguar epitomises excellence in speed and was particularly chosen for its excellent ability to run and even swim, proving it to be an extremely powerful animal. It possesses a strong survival instinct. It is fearless and is feared and revered by all.

True to our motto, members of Jaguar house are fearsome and fearless, and are ready to take on any challenge that comes our way. Not only do we have athletes who give their all in sporting events like Sports Day and Inter-house Games, we also excel in events requiring mass participation such as the National Day Fiesta, Total Defence Day Carnival and Cheering competition during Sports Day.
Being the overall house champion for five consecutive years from 2016 to 2022 is no mean feat! Jaguar house prides itself for our high level of teamwork. We work together towards our common goal, with every single member earning as many points as they can to contribute to the overall house scores.
Wherever your strength lies, there will be a place for you in Jaguar house, as long as you are ever ready to strike!
When it comes to nimbleness and surefootedness, others pale into insignificance. Steadfast and determined, the ibex is known for its agility in leaping about ledges and rugged terrain. Ibex will go where lesser creatures fear to tread.
Motto: "Stronger together, better than ever"

ike the sure-footed and agile Ibex that inhabit the rugged mountains and cliffs, Kranjians who belong to Ibex remain undaunted in the face of difficulties and are able to find their way out of challenging situations. Ibex live in herds and depend on each other for survival. Similarly, Ibex house members exhibit camaraderie and work closely together during school events.
New Ibex house members will meet their fellow housemates during Secondary One Orientation. The Ibex House Committee usually plans some fun ice-breakers so the juniors get to know their Ibex seniors. During the annual Sports Day, all Ibex members have a chance to participate in the events by signing up either in teams or individually. Even if one is not inclined towards sports, one can contribute by helping to make props for the cheerleading competition, or even volunteer as a cheerleader! There is a myriad of other school events, such as the Humanities Amazing Race, the annual Inter-House Games and the Sports Fiesta, where Ibex members can proudly represent their house and earn points to bring Ibex closer to clinching the House Championship.
Through all these exciting events, an Ibex member will truly understand that we are stronger together, and when we come together as one house and work with each other, we will be better than ever.
Find out what House you should belong to, by taking this fun quiz!