School Rules and Regulations
Please refer to the student handbook for more details.
Our Objective
The Code of Conduct outlines the personal conduct and disciplinary standards expected of all Kranjians.
Our Approach to Discipline
Our approach to discipline guides and encourages every Kranjian to become self-reflective and self-disciplined. Effective discipline is grounded in a consistent philosophy, which the school promotes through opportunities for reflection and circle time.
School Values
Our aim is to instil the School Values – Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Compassion, Integrity and Passion for Learning (R³CIP), focusing on the following philosophy for fostering good discipline:
The goal of discipline is to teach self-regulation.
Discipline is a learning process that develops students' thinking and moral compass.
A whole-school, multi-faceted approach is essential.
Restorative Practices and Relational Circles
A key strategy for fostering good discipline is to enhance our students’ Social and Emotional (SEL) Competencies by:
Creating a supportive and structural environment.
Teaching values, and social and emotional skills.
Providing opportunities for students to demonstrate positive behaviour.
Guiding and re-orientating students through restorative practices, using Appreciative Inquiry and the SAMIC Plan, for those who have erred in their behaviours.
Engagement with Stakeholders
Consistent collaboration with stakeholders is essential for effective discipline. This includes partnerships with parents/guardians and external agencies to help our students become self-disciplined individuals of good character and uphold the School Values.
General Conduct
Students are expected to uphold the School Values at all times.
Flag Raising Ceremony
Students must report to their respective assembly venues by 8am each morning for the flag-raising ceremony.
Upon arrival, students should begin their prescribed reading.
Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist over the heart.
The school song will be sung on Mondays.
Attendance, Punctuality and Leaving School
Attending school is compulsory.
Students must be punctual and will be considered late if not present at the assembly venue.
The designated venues, unless otherwise informed, are:
Days |
Assembly Venue |
Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays |
Parade Square |
Tuesdays (Even) |
Classroom |
Fridays |
Multi-Purpose Hall |
For safety, students are not allowed to leave school before the end of curriculum time.
Students needing to leave during school hours for valid reasons (e.g. illness or emergencies) must collect a “Permission to Leave School” form, notify relevant teachers for clearance, and proceed to the General Office to contact their parents/guardians. Students may leave with their parent/guardian only after registering at the General Office and obtaining an exit pass to be presented at the security post.
Students must submit a medical certificate (hardcopy or electronic form) to their class mentor upon returning to school.
Students must leave the school premises by 6:40 pm each day.
Consequences for Late-Coming
Late-coming offences will be dealt with according to the consequences indicated in the table below on a semesterly basis.
Number of Late-Coming
1 - 3
Verbal warning / call to parents
4 - 6
Reflections / Detention / 1st warning letter / call to parents
7 - 10
Reflections / Internal suspension / Final warning letter / call to parents
External suspension / meeting with school leaders
Students arriving after 8:30 am may face detention, internal suspension, or external suspension.
Cycling to School
Students cycling to school must be familiar with road cycling laws, including wearing a helmet and ensuring proper bicycle brakes on both wheels.
Cyclists must park their bicycles at the designated bicycle parking spaces upon entering the school.
Students are required to register with the General Office if they cycle to school.
Students are not permitted to ride any Personal Mobility Devices (e.g. e-scooters, e-bikes) to school.
Behaviour in the Classroom
Students must report back to their classrooms promptly when recess/lunch ends.
It is the class’s responsibility to keep the classroom clean.
Stand up to greet your teacher before and after each lesson.
Prepare your PLD and lesson materials before the start of each lesson, and stay engaged during class.
Permission is required to leave the class during curriculum time; only one student at a time will be permitted to leave for toilet breaks.
Students are not permitted to stay in classrooms during recess and lunch times.
Food and drinks are not allowed in the classrooms, except for dry food during structured snack time.
Keep personal belongings secure at all times.
Playing frisbee, football, or similar activities in or around the classroom block is strictly prohibited.
Canteen Etiquette
Queue in an orderly manner when purchasing meals.
Students must consume food and drinks in the canteen.
Return utensils to the designated collection bins and keep the canteen clean.
Prohibited Items
Students are not allowed to have any weapon in their possession. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like items which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
Prohibited items include chewing gum, cigarettes, lighters, vaping devices or their peripherals, portable loud-speakers, e-bikes, e-scooters, expensive jewellery, playing cards, deodorant sprays, pen knives, paper cutters, skateboards, etc.
Such items will be safe-kept and returned to parents/guardians at the end of the term, where applicable.
The school is not to be held responsible for the loss of personal or prohibited items.
Take care of the school property.
Do not vandalise tables, chairs and other school property, including discharging the fire extinguishers.
Vandals may be liable for damages on a case-by-case basis.
Mobile Phones and Smart Watches Policy
Mobile devices can enhance learning or be a distraction. Responsible and appropriate use of mobile devices is crucial.
The school is not liable for any damage or loss of mobile devices due to theft or otherwise.
Students must lock their mobile phones and smartwatches in lockers at the school canteen upon arrival.
Devices can only be retrieved after the curriculum or CCA ends.
Mobile phone use is strictly prohibited during curriculum hours, including breaks, between lessons, and before CCAs.
Students found with mobile phones beyond the canteen or during restricted times will surrender them to the General Office for safekeeping for the day.
Repeated violators may have their mobile phones safe-kept by the school for up to one month.
Posting of inappropriate content on social media that is insensitive, illegal, or disreputable to the school is prohibited; violators may have their mobile phones safe-kept by the school for up to one month.
Mobile phones used in unlawful offences will be safe-kept for further investigation.
PLD Policy
The PLD is a learning device. It is intended solely for educational purposes, and any use that detracts from this, such as gaming or visiting social media, is strictly prohibited.
All PLDs must have the Device Management Application (DMA), including Intune and Blocksi, installed. Tampering with or removing the DMA is a serious offence.
Offenders who break the DMA will face disciplinary consequences and may be imposed with severe restrictions on their device usage.
Only school-issued PLDs with the appropriate DMA may be used in the classroom. Personal devices are not permitted.
PLDs must be fully charged each night; charging in school is prohibited.
Students must ensure their PLDs are secure, updated, and ready for use each day.
Please see “Code of Conduct for Personalised Digital Learning Programme (PDLP)” for more details.
Students should be neat and tidy in grooming, befitting as the school’s ambassadors.
Hair should be always kept clean and well-groomed. Hairstyles should not distract from the learning environment.
Male students must be clean-shaven and neat in appearance.
For male students, hair must be short, neat, and above the collar, not covering the ears or eyebrows.
For female students, long hair must be tied up neatly with a black hair tie or band. Fringes should be secured and not fall over the face.
Students’ hair should remain in its natural colour. Dyeing, bleaching, or highlighting is not allowed.
Outlandish hairstyles, hair tattoos or designs shaved into the hair, and eyebrow slits are prohibited.
Students not adhering to these guidelines will be asked to rectify their appearance at home. They may face external suspension until they comply with the school's standards.
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
Only plain white canvas or sports shoes with white laces are allowed. Those with visible logos or brand names are not allowed.
Coloured sports shoes, fanciful footwear, slippers and sandals are not allowed.
Socks must be white and cover the ankle bone, remaining below the calf.
Students with non-compliant items (e.g. socks or accessories) will be safe-kept till the end of the term or semester, or until their parents/guardian come to school to retrieve their items.
Spectacle frames should be in dull colours without bold decorative designs. Coloured contact lenses are not allowed.
Jewellery, body piercings (including ear sticks), tattoos, and other body ornaments or accessories (e.g. wristbands, friendship bands or bangles) are not allowed.
Only female students may wear a pair of identical small, simple ear studs, which are worn only on the ear lobe.
Earrings that dangle or are decorative are not allowed.
Male students are not permitted to wear earrings, ear studs or earsticks
Nose rings, nose studs or nose sticks are not permitted.
Students with non-compliant items (e.g. earrings, necklace, bangles) will be safe-kept till the end of the term or semester, or until their parents/guardian come to school to retrieve their items.
Personal Hygiene
Make-up, cosmetics, and the application of henna are not allowed.
Fingernails should be kept short and clean.
Students who have body tattoos, henna or make-up will be sent home for rectifications. They may face external suspension until they comply with the school's standards.
Attire (General/CCA)
Students are expected to have at least two sets of full uniform (i.e. Buttoned Shirt/Blouse with School Green Shorts/ School Trousers/School Skirt) and at least two sets of House T-shirt attire (i.e. House T-shirt with PE shorts).
Level |
Buttoned Shirt / Blouse |
School Shorts (Green) |
School Trousers (White) |
SchoolSkirt (Green) |
House T-Shirt |
PE Shorts |
Polo T-Shirt |
School Tie |
Lower Secondary (Girls) |
✔ |
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Lower Secondary (Boys) |
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Upper Secondary (Girls) |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Upper Secondary (Boys) |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
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✔ |
On Mondays, students are to report in full uniform, even if there is PE.
On PE days (except Monday), students are to report in half uniform.
On non-PE days and examination days, students must wear full uniform or school polo T-shirt.
During formal events, such as School Achievement Day, full uniform with a tie is required.
PE attire is not allowed during curriculum time (lesson time).
CCA or Class T-shirts are only permitted during special events with approval.
Printing of CCA or Class T-shirts will require the approval of HOD PE & CCA or HOD Character Guidance.
Students must wear the designated CCA uniform or training attire during CCA sessions. Any variations or special attire must be approved by the CCA teacher IC.
Students may wear half uniform during school holidays or on Saturdays. Home clothes are not permitted for safety reasons.
Non-prescribed uniforms and inappropriate footwear (e.g. slippers) are prohibited.
Students wearing inappropriate attire will be advised to leave the school.
Conduct Grade Assessment (Per Semester)
Conduct grades are based on students’ holistic performance, including CCE outcomes, role modelling of school values, general behaviour, grooming, attendance, punctuality, and CCA attendance.
At the end of each semester, students will receive a conduct grade of EXCELLENT, VERY GOOD, GOOD, FAIR or POOR.
Violation of School Rules
Offences are categorised as major or minor. Minor offences may escalate to major if students show no improvement.
Major Offences |
Possible Consequences |
Further Consequences |
Theft |
Verbal warning, reflection, circle time, counselling, caning or referral to the Police. |
Student Development Team/Vice- Principal/Principal conference with parents/ guardians.
Support via self-management planning process.
Performing school services.
During or after-school-hours detention.
Internal suspension.
External suspension.
Gear-Up programme.
Referral to medical professionals for clinical assessments to support non appropriate behaviours. |
Cheating |
Gambling or playing cards/card games |
Bullying or gangsterism (includes harassment/cyber-bullying) |
Extortion |
Vandalism (school or public property) |
Fighting/Assault |
Open defiance to school authorities (e.g. repeatedly reporting late for class) |
Mischief by fire |
Forgery |
Possession of weapons or weapon-like items |
Sexual Misconduct (e.g. possession of pornographic materials / voyeurism/sexual references/outrage of modesty etc.) |
Drug and inhalant abuse or its possession |
Verbal warning, reflection, circle time, counselling1, caning2 and referral to Police/Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB). |
Smoking, vaping or possession of smoking/prohibited materials (e.g. e-cigarettes, vaping peripherals, tobacco etc.) |
Verbal warning, reflection, circle time, counselling1, caning2 and referral to Police/Health Promotion Board (HPB)/Health Sciences Authority (HSA). |
Disruptive behaviour (e.g. banging the table) |
Verbal warning, reflection, circle time, counselling1, suspension and caning2. |
Truancy (from subject classes and school) |
Vulgarity |
Acts pertaining to appearance, uniform and grooming (including dyed hair, tattoos, body piercing etc.) |
Late-coming (at the school gate or assembly venues) |
Verbal warning, reflection, circle time, counselling1, internal and external suspension. |
1Counselling will be provided by the School Counsellor.
2Caning is administered only to boys.
3External programmes refer to Enhanced Step-Up Programmes etc.
4After internal investigations, affected students may have their marks penalised.
5Cyberbullying includes impersonation, use of vulgarities or undesirable graphics, name-calling, spreading rumours, damaging another person’s reputation, slander on social media, and threats etc.
6 In consultation with SPF, students may be reported to the Police for sexual offences.
7Students referred to HSA for vaping-related offences may receive a verbal warning and/or fine.
Offences committed outside school may also incur consequences as indicated above.
Consequences are based on the severity of the offence and determined by the Student Development Team and school leaders.
Reported cases will be investigated to help guide students through behavioural guidance programmes.
Major offences will be recorded in the MOE’s School Cockpit (School Offences Module), affecting eligibility for MOE Edusave awards and bursaries.

For Boys |
For Girls |
Tinting or colouring of hair is not allowed. Hair must be short, neat, and the fringe should be above the eyebrows. Hair should be cut above the ears and collar, with a slope at the back, in a style acceptable to the school. Must be clean-shaven; beards, moustaches, and long sideburns are not allowed. Spiky or fanciful hairstyles are prohibited. Hair tattoos are not permitted. |
Hair must be kept neat. Tinting or colouring is not allowed. Hair touching the collar should be tied up neatly using black hair accessories (ribbons or elastic bands). Fanciful hairstyles are not permitted. Fringe should be clipped or tied up if it covers the eyebrows. Hair tattoos are not allowed. |